A Collaborative Mystery School for Women

The portal doors to our membership mystery school are closed until Spring 2024. To get on the waiting list and be notified when we open, you can either subscribe to our Newsletter below or signup [located at the top bar menu]. By signing up you create an account but will not have access until you pay the Initiating Membership.

We believe that true power lies within. It takes a community of heart-centered individuals to support the healing journey.

What We offer

Mystical Teachings & Training to Further Your Healing Journey

We are offering practical and fun live group calls, workshops, and courses for open-minded and heart-centered women who seek truth, understanding, and empowerment.

Facilitators and Teachers

Our heart-centered facilitators and teachers are the guiding stars of our mystical journey. With wisdom honed over years of practice, they lead you toward profound insights, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment.

Live Ceremonies

Experience the magic of live ceremonies and group sessions. Join our vibrant gatherings to connect with kindred souls, amplify your spiritual journey, and immerse yourself in the transformative power of collective energy.

Global Classroom

Our global classroom is a boundless space for learning and growth. Access insightful courses, diverse perspectives, and the wisdom of a worldwide community. Expand your horizons, empower your soul.

school doors are closed until 2024.

Thank you!
About Us

Why choose Divine Feminine Circle?

Unlock a world of ancient wisdom and spiritual illumination by becoming a member of our transformative community. As a seeker in our sacred circle, you'll gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of mystical teachings, immersive rituals, and the collective wisdom of like-minded souls.

Together, we explore hidden realms, harness the power of collaboration, and embark on a journey of profound personal growth. Whether you're a novice or an adept, our community is a safe haven for your spiritual evolution.

Join us in unraveling the enigmas of existence, unlocking inner potential, and forging a path to enlightenment.

Take the first step into the mystical unknown – your adventure begins here.

Easy Accessible

High Quality



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transformative learning

High Quality Teachings to All Universal Seekers

Dive into a world of high-quality teachings designed for Universal Seekers. Join our transformative community to gain exclusive access to monthly and weekly live calls, a digital library brimming with updated resources, and captivating courses curated by our seasoned team of holistic and mystical practitioners. Unveil the secrets of the universe and awaken your true potential in the company of kindred spirits.
Live sessions for members

Upcoming Transformation Gatherings

7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST / 4:30 PM CET

Monthly Ceremonial Gathering: "BALANCE"

Join our upcoming monthly virtual gathering as we delve into the harmonious dance of divine masculine and feminine energies. Explore the union that empowers and enlightens, fostering a balanced and fulfilled life.
7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST / 4:30 PM CET

Monthly Ceremonial Gathering: Sovereignty

Time for gather is now!

Join us on Sunday, the 26th at 10:30am EST where Dina will lead us in virtual Ceremony. Find a quiet place, grab your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink, headphones, pen and a journal for post reflection. We look forward to seeing you there! 
7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST / 4:30 PM CET

Monthly Ceremonial Gathering: TBA

Coming soon!

Our Courses


Frequently asked questions

What is a closed membership?

A closed membership, as the name suggests, is a membership community that opens for new members only at specific times during the year and remains closed the rest of the time. In the case of Sacred Circle, it opens approximately every quarter for a limited period, usually around 7 days. 

If you are anticipating for an opportunity to become a member get on the waiting list here

Do you have other memberships?

Yes! Divine Feminine Circle (DFC) is dedicated to all souls willing to learn with an open mind and heart. For this reason, DFC created more affordable memberships on their Patreon page, which is an open year round.

View and Join here: https://www.patreon.com/DivineFeminineCircle

What happens during the monthly gatherings?

During our monthly gatherings at Sacred Circle, you can expect a rich and transformative experience. Each gathering is carefully designed to foster personal growth, support, and spiritual development. Here's what typically happens during these gatherings:
1. Sacred Opening Ceremony: We begin each gathering with a sacred ceremony to create a safe and respectful space.
2. Guided Meditation: A guided meditation aligns with the theme, helping you connect with your inner wisdom.
3. Group Discussions: Engage in discussions to share experiences and learn from others.
4. Weekly Activities: Explore themes through activities like movement, creative expression, and journaling.
5. Rituals and Ceremonies: These are included as they align with the theme for deeper exploration.
6. Divine Messages: Receive intuitive insights, guidance, and messages for spiritual growth.
7. Connection and Support: Connect with like-minded women and receive support and guidance.
8. Intentions and Reflection: Set monthly intentions and reflect on your journey.

What if I'm new to personal or spiritual growth?

The Sacred Circle is a welcoming and inclusive community for women of all backgrounds and levels of experience, including those who are new to personal or spiritual growth. Our gatherings are designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey.
As a newcomer, you'll find:
1. Supportive Environment: Our community is warm and accepting, providing a safe space to explore your personal and spiritual growth.
2. Guidance: Experienced facilitators and fellow members are here to offer guidance and encouragement.
3. Learning Opportunities: Monthly themes, discussions, and activities offer educational and growth opportunities.
4. Community Connection: Connect with like-minded women who can share their experiences and wisdom.
5. Personal Pace: You can progress at your own pace, setting intentions that align with your goals.
Joining the Sacred Circle is a beautiful way to begin or continue your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, and you'll find the support you need to flourish on this path.

Is this community open to women of all spiritual beliefs?

Absolutely! The Sacred Circle is an inclusive community that warmly welcomes women of all spiritual beliefs. We celebrate diversity and honor that each individual's spiritual journey is unique. Whether you follow a specific religious tradition, consider yourself more spiritual than religious, or are exploring your spirituality, you'll find a supportive and non-judgmental space within our community.
Our aim is to provide a nurturing environment where women can connect, heal, and grow, regardless of their spiritual backgrounds. We believe in the power of shared experiences and diverse perspectives, and it's these differences that make our community vibrant and enriching. By embracing various spiritual beliefs, we can learn from one another and collectively grow on our personal and spiritual paths.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time, but please note that we don't offer refunds.

How do I get started?

Click on the "Subscribe Now" button to become an Initiating Member. You'll be guided through a simple registration process. Make sure to provide accurate information, and choose a username and password that you can remember.

The Resource Vault has the monthly/weekly dates/times and Zoom links. All replays, digital downloads, and other important information will be uploaded each week.

Is Sacred Circle right for me?

Sacred Circle is open to women of all backgrounds and experiences. Whether you're new to personal and spiritual growth or have been on this path for a while, you'll find a welcoming and inclusive community.
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